Saturday, January 25, 2014

LifeStraw Giveaway

We will be entering all attendants of our free community-wide event happening 2/1 into a drawing to win a LifeStraw! Register on our website and be sure to be at our HOPE CPR and/or Disaster Preparedness classes to win. What is a LifeStraw, you ask?


lifestrawproductpage1000 liters of clean water in your pocket

LifeStraw® is an award-winning personal water filter, designed to provide safe, clean drinking water in any situation. The lightweight filter is ideal for hiking and camping, travel, emergency preparedness and survival. It makes contaminated or suspect water safe to drink.


  • Filters at least 1,000 liters of water (264 gallons)
  • Weighs only 54 grams (2 oz.)
  • Removes up to 99.99999 percent of waterborne bacteria
  • Removes up to 99.9 percent of waterborne protozoan cysts
  • Reduces turbidity by filtering particles of approx 0.2 microns
  • BPA Free and contains no chemicals
  • Uses no batteries or moving parts

We will also hold a drawing for our Facebook and Twitter fans! Simply "Like" our page, comment or share this post to be entered to win!

Winners will be announced 2/1/2014 and may come to pick up their prize after the conclusion of our Disaster Preparedness course at our training location.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Groupon Launch

Happy January!

Exciting things are happening here.

Starting tomorrow (1/21) our first Groupon will be live! The Southern Colorado community can look for our *HALF OFF* sale applying only to out Heartsaver CPR/AED plus First Aid course. 

Please share with the community to spread the word and save your friends some $$$!!!

View our deal here: 

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Happy Holidays from CETS

As 2013 draws to a close, we want to sincerely thank our wonderful customers and fantastic staff for all the great experiences this year. It is our goal to make a difference within our community and we think we have made a great start! CPR training and First Aid education are crucial in our world of ever-changing circumstances. Having the opportunity to share in that education with our Colorado Springs and Southern Colorado community has been a fun and exciting experience so far. 

We will continue our referral program into 2014 and beyond. If you need more business cards or have forgotten your code, give us a call or send us email. We are happy to give those great discounts to your friends, colleagues and family members!

We are always grateful for feedback and have received an astounding amount of positive feedback from customers so far. Thank you! We appreciate you, our customers, and are thankful for your voice and your enthusiasm!

To celebrate the season, our office will be closed 12/24-12/26/2013 and 12/31/2013-1/2/2014. Our co-owner and Communication Manager, Jenn, will still gladly answer calls and emails during those times, but classes will not be in session. Classes will be held 12/28 and will resume 1/4/2013.

Don't forget that we will be holding our next Disaster Class 1/4/2013 and we are hoping to have our HOPE. CPR class going that day as well. For more information about HOPE see our blog post here.

We sincerely hope you have a happy holiday season, and look forward to serving our community even more in the new year. Remember: CPR and First Aid matters!

 Happy Holidays,

Colorado Emergency Training Service, LLC

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Sunday, December 8, 2013

Free CPR Course Offers HOPE

ASHI, the American Safety and Health Institute, has established a new, compression-only CPR course that Colorado Emergency Training Services, LLC will be offering to the Colorado community starting in 2014.

HOPE provides Hands On Practical Experience, which is CPR in a simplified form. It is a 45 minute course in chest compression-only CPR. This means that while performing CPR, mouth-to-mouth breaths are not utilized. The goal of HOPE is to provide free training to community members in order to save as many lives as possible in an emergency situation.

HOPE is targeted toward community members that are not occupationally required to be certified in CPR/AED or professional level basic life support. Participants of the course will receive a certificate of completion to document their participation, but will not receive a regular completion card.

HOPE is free, but registration for the course is required. To register, please visit our website or call (719) 645-4-CPR (4277). Because the course is free of charge, we are hoping to have a large turnout and numerous classes available for the community.

For more information about HOPE email

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Be Prepared...

Some of the worst weather we've had in a while is coming to Southern Colorado. If you have any questions at all about how to pack or prepare for a possible disaster, please don't hesitate to give us a call to get some great answers! 

We cover a lot of great information in our Disaster Preparedness Basics course offered for FREE to the community. Being ready for any situation is crucial, especially in life-threatening cases. Our next Disaster class is scheduled January 4, 2014, weather permitting. We will know more as time gets closer, but registration will be open soon on our website and walk-ins are always accepted.

Although we didn't get as much snow as was expected, but make sure to prepared for the cold! Expect weather to remain around the teens all week. 

Feel free to get in touch with us for any questions/concerns you have about how to pack most efficiently! There is no charge for our advice and we are more than happy to help. (719) 645-4-CPR or

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Welcome Our New Instructors!

Colorado Emergency Training Services, LLC welcomes our two new instructors to the team! As our CEO and Chief Instructor will be deploying in December, we hired two fantastic employees who will take over while he is away. Welcome Josh and Joseph!

Stay tuned for more about them! Our biography pages will be live on the website soon. Until then, see our website and feel free to browse to learn more about us!


Monday, November 18, 2013

Give Us Your Feedback!

We are excited to offer our customers the option to give us feedback for future classes. Starting this week, with each completion card mailed out, we are giving out our survey web address to customers to ensure we provide the best possible service in Southern Colorado!

All submissions are 100% anonymous to ensure that our customers feel comfortable giving us their honest opinions. With each survey, we will sit down with our instructors and discuss the results with them and go over possible improvements that can be made to their classes.

It is our goal to give our customers a wonderful class experience. Our instructors have been chosen carefully and with professionalism, charisma and experience in mind.We hope our customers that have taken our courses will take the opportunity to provide us with their valuable feedback.

We value our community and hope to bring a fun, educational experience to all of our clients. Remember: CPR and First Aid matters!