As 2013 draws to a close, we want to sincerely thank our wonderful customers and fantastic staff for all the great experiences this year. It is our goal to make a difference within our community and we think we have made a great start! CPR training and First Aid education are crucial in our world of ever-changing circumstances. Having the opportunity to share in that education with our Colorado Springs and Southern Colorado community has been a fun and exciting experience so far.
We will continue our referral program into 2014 and beyond. If you need more business cards or have forgotten your code, give us a call or send us email. We are happy to give those great discounts to your friends, colleagues and family members!
We are
always grateful for feedback and have received an astounding amount of
positive feedback from customers so far. Thank you! We appreciate you,
our customers, and are thankful for your voice and your enthusiasm!
To celebrate the season, our office will be closed 12/24-12/26/2013 and 12/31/2013-1/2/2014. Our co-owner and Communication Manager, Jenn, will still gladly answer calls and emails during those times, but classes will not be in session. Classes will be held 12/28 and will resume 1/4/2013.
Don't forget that we will be holding our next Disaster Class 1/4/2013 and we are hoping to have our HOPE. CPR class going that day as well. For more information about HOPE see our blog post here.
We sincerely hope you have a happy holiday season, and look forward to serving our community even more in the new year. Remember: CPR and First Aid matters!
Happy Holidays,
Colorado Emergency Training Service, LLC
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